ADCTDC Configuration

CEDIT edit

Main Viewer edit


1. Once the database and run type have been named and created, one can begin setting up the configuration.

2. Click: File->Open...

3. Select your run type

4. Now listed toward the bottom of the window one should see the Database name and Run Type

5. On the left side of the window under File there are several buttons to setup various components.

6. Below the gun, in order from top to bottom, we will be using:

The ROC, which is the first option under the gun. 
The EB, which is under the ROC and looks like building blocks.
Fittingly, the ER is below the EB and looks like a cassette tape. 
Lastly we will be using the data file that looks like a target.

7. Now we can begin moving each component onto the canvas. Once moved, you will be prompted for the configuration data.

8. Below we have listed example configuration data.

9. Once complete, connect the links to the proper components. (ROC1->EB1 & ER1->Data File)

This is a basic setup including an Event Buffer (EB), an Event Recorder (ER), a read out controller (ROC) and a data file.

ROC Code Example edit

The component needs to be resized for the second link to appear. (Resize: 2) The short name should be the link that is attached to the EB.

Event Buffer Example edit


Event Recorder Example edit


Data File Example edit




Row name code inputs outputs first next inuse
1 ROC1 {/root/halla120/coda/linuxvme/v792_v775/ arg1} {/root/halla120/coda/linuxvme/examples/ arg1} yes no
2 ER1 {CODA} coda_0 yes no
3 coda_0 {/home/coda/CODA/data/test_%d.dat} {CODA} yes no
4 EB1 {CODA} {CODA} ROC1:jlabvme yes no

ADCTDC_option edit

Row name value
1 dataLimit 0
2 eventLimit 0
3 tokenInterval 64
4 dataFile /home/coda/CODA/data/test_%d.dat
5 rocMask 2048

ADCTDC_pos edit

Row name row col
1 ROC1 3 2
2 ER1 6 2
3 coda_0 9 3
4 EB1 4 4

links edit

Row name type host state port
1 ROC1->EB1 TCP down 57184

priority edit

Row class priority
1 ROC 11
2 EB 15
3 ANA 19
4 ER 23
5 LOG 27
6 TS -27

process edit

Row name id cmd type host port state pid inuse clone
1 ER1 3 $CODA_BIN/coda_er ER 32866 active 27717 no no
2 EB1 2 $CODA_BIN/coda_eb EB 43992 active 27715 no no
4 ROC1 1 $CODA_BIN/coda_roc ROC 37805 active 6157 no no

runTypes edit

Row name id inuse category
1 ADCTDC 0 no

sessions edit

Row name id owner inuse log_name rc_name runNumber config
1 Luter345 1 jlabdaq coda 1925 102 yes vg.log RunControl 1