Geant4 Simulation with Version 11.2.1

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Installing Geant4

CERN Geant4 Guide: See here for a walkthrough to install geant4.

Geometry Setup

The geometry for the Geant4 simulation is defined in /home/jlabdaq/CDetMC/src/

General Construction

  • G4 GeometryManager
    1. Opens the geometry and removes optimizations (optionally, related to just the specified logical-volume).
 G4GeometryManager::OpenGeometry(G4VPhysicalVolume* pVolume)

  • G4LogicalVolume
    1. Constructor - sets member data and adds to logical Store, voxel pointer for optimization set to 0 by default.Initializes daughter vector to 0 length.
 G4LogicalVolume::G4LogicalVolume ( G4VSolid *              pSolid,
                                    G4Material *            pMaterial,
                              const G4String &        name,
                                    G4FieldManager *        pFieldMgr = 0,
                                    G4VSensitiveDetector *  pSDetector = 0,
                                    G4UserLimits *          pULimits = 0,
                                    G4bool                  optimise = true)
An example of the G4LogicalVolume constructor
  • G4LogicalSkinSurface
    1. Constructor for skin surface of material
 G4LogicalSkinSurface::G4LogicalSkinSurface  ( const G4String &          name,
                                                     G4LogicalVolume *   vol,
                                                     G4SurfaceProperty * surfaceProperty)
An example of the G4LogicalSkinSurface constructor
  • G4PVPlacement
    1. Constructor for the placement of the object
 G4PVPlacement::G4PVPlacement ( G4RotationMatrix *   pRot,
                          const G4ThreeVector &      tlate,
                                G4LogicalVolume *    pCurrentLogical,
                          const G4String &           pName,
                                G4LogicalVolume *    pMotherLogical,
                                G4bool               pMany,
                                G4int                pCopyNo,
                                G4bool               pSurfChk = false)
An example of the G4LogicalSkinSurface constructor

  • G4OpticalSurface
    1. Constructor for a optical surface
 G4OpticalSurface::G4OpticalSurface ( const G4String &                name,
                                            G4OpticalSurfaceModel     model = glisur,
                                            G4OpticalSurfaceFinish    finish = polished,
                                            G4SurfaceType             type = dielectric_dielectric,
                                            G4double                  value = 1.0)
An example of one of the Optical Surface constructions in the file

General Material Construction

  • G4Element
    • Constructor to generate an element from scratch
 G4Element::G4Element   ( const G4String &   name,
                          const G4String &   symbol,
                                G4double     Zeff,
                                G4double     Aeff)
An example of the element creation used in the file

  • G4Material
    • Constructor to generate a material from scratch
 G4Material::G4Material  ( const G4String &    name,
                                 G4double      z,
                                 G4double      a,
                                 G4double      density,
                                 G4State       state = kStateUndefined,
                                 G4double      temp = CLHEP::STP_Temperature,
                                 G4double      pressure = CLHEP::STP_Pressure)
From the file. Line 231 shows the creation of a new G4Material, while the lines below add elements to the newly created material.
  • G4Material (continued)
    • Add element to a material
 void G4Material::AddElement  ( G4Element * element,
                                G4int       nAtoms)

  • G4Material (continued)
    • Add property to a material
 G4MaterialPropertyVector * G4MaterialPropertiesTable::AddProperty ( const char *  	 key,
                                                                           G4double *    photonEnergies,
                                                                           G4double *    propertyValues,
                                                                           G4int         numEntries,
                                                                           G4bool        createNewKey = false,
                                                                           G4bool        spline = false)
An example usage of the AddProperty function in the file


An example of the scintillator construction in the file

Light Guide

An example of one of the light guide constructions in the file


An example of the Phototube construction in the file

Graph Analysis

Found in /home/CDetMC/analysis/plots/

Graph Analysis of Tests
Plot Title Description Plot
C1 Position of incident muons in the x, y, and z coordinates, and the time of impacts. we guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
C2RA The truth values used in the simulation. Primitive energy. The Theta and Phi angles when measured. The particle pdg value.
C3RA The simulation results. Detector of hits on the scintillators. The measured mass of the particle is the interpreted PDG value. fingerID shows the event counts and which finger the events occur at. fingerED shows the energy deposited and how many times it occurred. fingerPMTID shows the PMTID's related to each scintillator and the number of incidents for each. Finger PMT Time shows the distribution of time values.
C4RA Histograms for energy deposition and number of photo electrons
C7RA Energy deposition vs number of photons
C8RA Energy deposition vs number of photons
C12 Shows the momentum of particles in each of the directions.
C13 Event impact point distribution
C14 Recorded incident impact points in the x, y, and z directions.
C33RA Angle of incident ± π/2