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Installation of AlmaLinux9.4

From Luter 345 Experiments

AlmaLinux 9.4 Installation[edit | edit source]

BASIC INSTALL[edit | edit source]

- Boot from USB in Bios

- Reclaim space, root password, choose workstation

- Add Gnome, internet, office, legacy, development, graphical, network, rpm, scientific, system

- Reboot after install, removing USB drive

NFS[edit | edit source]

- Initial boot: Start Setup

- Add coda account with usual password

- Add superuser, change to user id and group id 501 using vipw and vipw -s

- Change ownership of /home/coda accordingly (chown -R coda.coda /home/coda)

- Modify /etc/fstab, make directories, and reload (using /etc/fstab on jlabdaq as a guide

- Force mounting with mount -a

- Disable selinux (/etc/selinux/config) and disable firewalld

- Get /etc/exports from jlabcoda

- Force reload with systemctl daemon-reload

- Look at /home/coda/coda/machine_name_occurences for places to change machine name in coda setup

DHCP, TFTP, and YPBIND[edit | edit source]

- Install dhcp-server dhcp-common … get configuration from /home/coda/dhcp_setup

- Install tftp tftp-server … get config from /home/coda/tftpboot … install in /var/lib/tftpboot

- Enable dhcpd and tftp and start daemons

- Install syslinux

- Install libnsl, libnsl2, tokyocabinet, authconfig

- Install ypbind, etc. rpms for el9 in /home/coda/tarfiles

- Follow instructions for yp client setup on server world

- Get nsswitch.conf from jlabcoda

LSB[edit | edit source]

- dnf -y install yum-utils

- dnf -y install almalinux-release-devel

- dnf -y install redhat-lsb-core

ROOT[edit | edit source]

See ~brash/root_install.sh)

- dnf install epel-release

- dnf install root

- dnf install root-cling

- dnf install root-roofit

- dnf install root-genvector

- dnf install root-montecarlo-eg

- dnf install root-roostats

- dnf install root-io-xmlparser

- dnf install python3-root

- dnf install python3-jupyroot

- dnf install python3-tmva

- dnf install root-tmva

- dnf install root-mlp

- dnf install root-tmva-sofie-parser root-tmva-utils

- dnf install root-tmva-gui root-proof root-tmva-python

- dnf install root-roofit-jsoninterface js-jsroot root-hist-factory

- dnf install root-roofit-hs3 root-gui-fitpanel

- def install root-xroofit root-roofit-dataframe-helpers root-roofit-more root-tree-viewer

- dnf install xrootd-libs xrootd-devel xrootd-client-libs xrootd-client-devel

- dnf install bind-chroot readonly-root