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Installation Instructions[edit | edit source]
Below we have compiled a guide that walks through a basic setup of CODA 2.6.2. Our intention in writing this walkthrough is to assist CNU physics undergraduates in setting up a simple data acquisition system. The guide is geared toward first time Linux users, however for those users who are more advanced, the basic process may still be helpful.
1. Operating System: For this guide we used CentOs 6.5, but any Linux distribution should be okay. (Some of the syntax and directory locations may change)
2. CODA Version: CODA 2.6.2
3. Hosted Files: Some sections we will have Links that list examples of various files or websites that may be used for reference.
4. Terminal Commands & Changes: We will be using a dollar sign ($) to signify a prompt for the regular user accounts, and a pound sign (#) for the root user. Also, we used greater than (>) and less than (<) symbols to signify user input.
Example User: [coda@jlabdaq ~]$
Example Root User: [root@jlabdaq ~]#
Example User Input: <codauser>
6. Text Editor: For a quick text editor we used vi. If you are unfamiliar with vi, one can easily look up the commands or use any text editor that you prefer (i.e. emacs, gedit, etc).
5. Troubleshooting/Hints: We have added Possible Issue and Hint sections to help with the installation process.
6. Patience: Some portions of CODA (i.e. cedit and debedit) are finicky and take practice to learn how to handle/tolerate them.
Our Setup[edit | edit source]
Throughout the guide we will be using our own configuration to act as an example. Below we have listed our configuration outline:
Experiment: Cosmic Ray Detector using two scintillator paddles with four PMTs.
VME Crate:
1. Linux Controller Name: jlabvme (CentOs 5.8, i686)
2. ADC/TDC: v792n/v775n
3. Signal Units/Voltage: 1 FIFO, 1 CFD, 1 Delay Unit, 1 Quad Four Fold Logic Unit, 1 NIM/ECL Translator, 1 Trigger Interface, 1 HV Unit
Analysis/CODA Computer:
1. Hostname/Computer Name: jlabdaq (CentOs 6.5, x86_64)
2. CODA Account: coda
1. Database Name: PCSE
2. Configuration: ADCTDC
3. Session: Luter345
Setting Up the Computer[edit | edit source]
BIOS Settings[edit | edit source]
1. Enable the BIOS preference to boot from an external drive.
Hint: Some older machines may not be able to boot from a USB Drive, instead a disc will be needed.
2. Make sure that the USB ports are visible
Downloading CentOs & Preparing the Computer[edit | edit source]
STEP 1: Installation[edit | edit source]
i. Click Next on the Centos logo page
ii. Chose Basic Storage Devices, then click next
iii. Chose your installation preference, then click next
iv. Chose a hostname (name of computer)
v. Select the time
vi. Make a root password
vii. Now select which type of installation you would like
viii. Select your hard drive to install target devices
ix. Then click on boot loader option (small button top left corner in the right window)
x. Writing storage configuration to disk, select write changes
xi. After some time, select which installation you would like: Desktop is ideal for this setup
xii. Then wait for the installation to complete
STEP 2: Create First User[edit | edit source]
i. First user account is going to be the bash shell analysis account (i.e. root, geant4, etc.)
ii. Skip the full name portion
iii. Select date and time
Possible Issue: An error may occur upon selecting the time (CentOs). It is okay to ignore this message for our purposes.
iv. Click finish on the kdump screen
STEP 3: Installing Libraries and Updating[edit | edit source]
i. Turn on the connection to the internet
1. Go to system, preferences, network connections (GUI) 2. Double click System eth0 3. Select Connect Automatically and Available for all Users 4. Click Apply 5. Enter root password to save the information
ii. Turn off screen saver (Optional)
1. Go to system, preferences, screensaver 2. Uncheck the lock option when the computer goes to the screensaver 3. Change the elapsed time for the screensaver (~ 40 minutes) 4. Click Close
iii. Open new shell (terminal)
Hint: Make sure that you are super user, connected to the internet, and are in the home directory
1. $ su 2. $ <root password>
Link: Library Script
3. Run the libraries script : # ./
5. Possible Issue: DATABASE DISK IMAGE IS MALFORMED. Normally this can be ignored for our purposes.
6. Once the script is done installing: # yum –y update
7. # exit
STEP 4: Create Second User Account (tcsh)[edit | edit source]
i. Go to system, administration, users and groups (GUI)
ii. Enter the root user password
iii. Click Add User
iv. Enter a username
v. No need to enter a full name
vi. Enter a password
vii. Change login shell to tcsh
STEP 5: Network Settings[edit | edit source]
i. Go to system/preferences/network connections (GUI)
ii. Double click System eth0
iii. Click ipv4 settings tab
iv. Method Dropdown: Change from DHCP to manual
v. Press add button under Addresses
Hint: This network setup is meant for a CNU configuration.
vi. Enter the address: 137.155.2.XX, netmask:, and gateway for your network (may need to contact administrator):
vii. Enter the DNS server addresses:, (may need administrator)
viii. Enter the search domain: (may need administrator)
ix. Click apply
x. Enter root password
STEP 6: Hosts File Changes[edit | edit source]
i. $ su
ii. $ <root password>
iii. # vi /etc/hosts
iv. Within the file add this line: <ip address> <domain name> <computer name>
1. Go to a new line in the file 2. Example: jlabvme 3. Both computers need to be in the hosts file (i.e. jlabdaq & jlabvme)
v. Save the file and exit
vi. # exit
vii. $ ssh root@jlabvme
viii. $ <enter password for root@jalbvme>
ix. # vi /etc/hosts
Link: Hosts File
x. Within the hosts file add this line: <ip address> <domain name> <computer name>
xi. Save the file and exit
xii. #exit
xiii. Any computers that you wish to ssh into, make sure that they are added to the hosts file.
STEP 7: Turn Off Firewall (Otherwise add exceptions for the specific machines)[edit | edit source]
i. Go to system/administration/firewall (GUI)
ii. Enter root password
iii. Click Disable
iv. Click Apply (Look top left corner)
STEP 8: SSH Without Password[edit | edit source]
i. Login to CODA Account
ii. We are now switching so that all permissions are set to our CODA user account.
iii. Open a new shell (terminal)
iv. $ su
v. $ <root password>
vi. # /sbin/service sshd start
vii. # exit
viii. Hint: Make sure you are in the home directory: /home/<username>
ix. $ ssh-keygen –t rsa
x. $ <Press enter three times>
xi. $ cat .ssh/ | ssh root@jlabvme ‘cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys’
xii. type yes
xiii. $ ssh root@jlabvme “chmod 700 .ssh; chmod 640 .ssh/authorized_keys”
xiv. $ ssh root@jlabvme
xv. # exit
xvi. Back on the CODA user account: $ ssh-add
Link: If help is needed:
Installing CODA[edit | edit source]
Downloading & Preparing CODA[edit | edit source]
STEP 1: Downloading CODA[edit | edit source]
i. Make sure that you are a user in tcsh
ii. Go to the jlab’s CODA wiki and download CODA 2.6.2
iii. Link:
iv. Open a new shell (terminal)
v. $ su
vi. $ <root password>
vii. # mkdir /usr/local/coda
viii. # mv /home/<username>/Downloads/coda_2.6.2.tar.gz /usr/local/coda
ix. # cd /usr/local/coda
x. # tar –xf coda_2.6.2.tar.gz
xi. # exit
STEP 2: Making Directories for CODA[edit | edit source]
i. Open a new shell (terminal)
ii. $ mkdir /home/<codauser>/bin
iii. $ mkdir /home/<codauser>/msql
iv. $ mkdir /home/<codauser>/CODA
v. $ mkdir /home/<codauser>/CODA/cool
vi. $ mkdir /home/<codauser>/CODA/data
STEP 3: Setting Up Environment Variables[edit | edit source]
i. Edit an example setup file to set up the environment variables (dosetupcoda262)
Link: Environment Variables (dosetupcoda262)
ii. Put dosetupcoda262 in the coda user’s home directory
iii. Edit dosetupcoda262 with the following:
1. Variables that need editing: a. MSQL_TCP_HOST <hostname> b. MSQL_HOME /home/<codauser>/msql c. EXPID <PCSE> d. SESSION <Luter345> e. CODA_DIRECTORY /home/<codauser>/CODA f. CODADATA /home/<codauser>/CODA/data
iv. Create a .tcshrc file in the home directory that sources dossetupcoda262
Link: .tcshrc
1. $ vi ~/.tcshrc
2. Include the following line in the file:
4. source {$HOME}/dosetupcoda262
5. Hint: .tcshrc is a hidden file, to list it: $ ls -a
6. To test if the sourcing worked properly, open a new shell to see if coda and AFECS is listed at the top of the window
STEP 4: MSQL Setup[edit | edit source]
i. Starting the msql database
1. Hint: The database must be running at all times. If the program is disrupted, the port that it is using will be left open. If this occurs, kill the msql process and re-launch the database. 2. Open a new shell (terminal) 3. $ msqld 4. Rename the window msql for clarity
STEP 5: Changing Soft Link for Problem Library (cedit)[edit | edit source]
i. Open new shell (terminal)
1. $ su 2. $ <root password> 3. # cd /usr/lib 4. # ln –s 5. This will create a soft link for the particular library that we need. (Previously used library:
STEP 6: Cedit (GUI for database; Must be running msqld)[edit | edit source]
i. Open a new shell (terminal)
ii. $ cedit
Possible Issue: If cedit does not open and throws an error: check if the database is running, the proper directories were made with the correct ownership, and that there are no missing libraries/links.
iii. Click: File->New Database
iv. Name the database <database name>
v. Create a new configuration
vi. Click: File->New
vii. Name the configuration <config name>
viii. Create a basic setup: ROC, EB, ER, and a data file
ix. See working example.
STEP 7: Dbedit (text version of the database)[edit | edit source]
i. Open a new shell (terminal)
ii. $ dbedit
iii. Select local host from dropdown
iv. Select <database name> from dropdown
v. Compare all sections against a working example
STEP 8: NFS (Export the file systems from jlabdaq to jlabvme)[edit | edit source]
i. Open a new shell (terminal)
ii. $ su
iii. $ <root password>
iv. # vi /etc/exports
Link: Exports File
Hint: This is a CNU network configuration.
v. Edit this file by adding these lines:
1. /home,sync,no_root_squash) 2. /usr/local/coda,sync,no_root_squash) 3. /usr/lib/jvm,sync,no_root_squash)
vi. Save and exit the file
vii. Hint: start NFS while super user
viii. # /sbin/chkconfig --levels 345 nfs on
ix. Check if NFS is on: # /sbin/chkconfig --list nfs status
x. # /etc/init.d/nfs start
xi. # exit
xii. ssh into jlabvme: $ ssh root@jlabvme
xiii. # vi /etc/fstab
Link: fstab File
xiv. Add these lines in preparation for mounting
1. jlabdaq:/home /daqhome nfs rw,sync 0 0 2. jlabdaq:/usr/local/coda /usr/local/coda nfs defaults 0 0 3. jlabdaq:/usr/lib/jvm /usr/lib/jvm nfs defaults 0 0
xv. Make the directories that were specified above
1. # mkdir /daqhome 2. # mkdir /usr/local/coda 3. # mkdir /usr/lib/jvm
xvi. # mount –a
xvii. Proper sourcing in jlabvme
1. Create a new environment variable file on jlabvme that has the NFS mounted directories. (We named ours coda_Luter345) 2. Link: Environment Variables On jlabvme (coda_Luter345) 3. Once the the environment variables are set, they must be sourced 4. Create a new script that sources coda_Luter345 (We named ours 5. Link:
Starting and Killing CODA[edit | edit source]
What needs to run?[edit | edit source]
In order to properly start CODA one must first run the following processes:
Hint: Make sure that each of these processes is run independently in their own shell.
1. To start database (new terminal): $ msqld
Hint: Leave the database running, it does not need to be turned off.
2. Remove session file (new terminal): $ rm /tmp/et_sys_$SESSION
Hint: This file needs to be removed every time et_start is run. However, if the file has never been created, it will throw an error. It is okay to ignore this.
3. Begin the event transfer system(same terminal that you removed the session file in): $ et_start
4. Start the run control platform (new terminal): $ rcplatform
Hint: Some time is needed for rcplatform to fully boot (about 5 seconds). Upon first running rcplatform, two prompts (within the rcplatform window) will ask the user if it is okay to start.
The next three steps allow the user to actively see the event builder, event recorder, and the readout controller. (Helpful for debugging)
5. Start event builder (EB) (new terminal): $ coda_eb_rc3 -i -s $SESSION -name EB1 -type CDEB
6. Start event recorder (ER) (new terminal): $ coda_er_rc3 -i -s $SESSION -name ER1 -type ER
7. Start readout controller (ROC) (new terminal): $ ssh -t root@jlabvme coda_roc_rc3 -i -s $SESSION -name ROC1 -type ROC
Hint: In step 7, the ROC must be accessed remotely using the ssh protocol.
8. Start the graphical interface for the run controller (new terminal): $ rcgui
Bash Scripts[edit | edit source]
Location: Computer: jlabdaq User: coda Directory: home/coda/bin
Small programs can be written in order to quickly start and end CODA in an efficient manner. To accomplish this, multiple terminals must be running in order to start various programs. Terminal emulation programs can easily solve this problem.
Xterm is the emulator that we chose to use.
1. StartCODA
Link: Startcoda Script
Within the script xterm can be utilized to run multiple processes in the background.
Example: xterm -bg white -fg black -geometry 96x12-0+192 -e $SHELL -c '$SHELL -c "echo Starting rcplatform; rcplatform"; read' &
The ampersand at the end lets the computer know to keep the process running without ending it when the script ends. Similar lines can be written in order to run all of the necessary processes.
2. KillCODA
Link: Killcoda Script
Once one is ready to close CODA, a simple script can be written to end all of the processes in an orderly fashion.
Example: ps wwwaux | grep rcplatform | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9 &
Here is a statement that lists all running processes, finds the specific name, grabs the process ID, and then kills that process. This can be done for each process that was started.