Modifications of CODA Setup Files
All of these are somewhere under /home/coda/coda
1. /home/coda/coda/coda_scripts/setupCODA3.bash
Also, possibly need to update machine name (jlabcoda)
2. /home/coda/coda/coda_scripts/config/PCSE/coda_component_table.cfg
jlabcoda PEB PEB1 jlabvme ROC ROC1
3. Look at DAQ configuration with jcedit
Open configuration called ADCTDC
Full instructions are found here:
4. For the current ADCTDC configuration, the readout list that is being used is:
which can be remade with:
ssh jlabvme cd /home/coda/coda/3.10_arm/linuxvme/tir/rol make
5. If necessary, you may have to change the machine name (to something other than jlabcoda) in:
6. Start the plaform process
7. In a separate window, run the startCoda script, which will bring up three windows: ROC1 xterm, PEB1 xterm, and the rcgui window.