Macro for producing Log(Rate) vs. Voltage
/**************************************************************************** * Macro to plot log(Rate) vs. Voltage plots. Takes in an int 1 - 4 for tube * number. May need to modify the directory path where your data is. * * Usage: in root... * .x plot.C( 1,2,3, or 4 ) * * Author: Brian Freeman * Date: 11/6/14 ***************************************************************************/ #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string> using namespace std; //arrays that will be used in the TGraphErrors plot Double_t x[25]; Double_t y[25]; Double_t dx[25]; Double_t dy[25]; //i is the array index Int_t i=0; //constant time used for each plot Int_t t = 600; //main method void plot(int tubeNum){ /********************* * Get file contents *********************/ //The file path goes here. My files were named tube[1-4].dat //and located in the data directory std::ifstream f( Form("../data/tube%i.dat",tubeNum) ); //Print the filename that we are plotting char tubeName[15]=""; //will be used for graph title strcat(tubeName,"tube"); //following switch statement appends the tube number switch(tubeNum){ case 1: strcat(tubeName,"1");; break; case 2: strcat(tubeName,"2");; break; case 3: strcat(tubeName,"3");; break; case 4: strcat(tubeName,"4");; break; } //string to be used for the title char title[50] = "Log(Rate) vs. Voltage - "; strcat(title,tubeName) ; //loop through the file stopping when there are nomore lines in the file for( std::string line; getline( f, line );){ //the line is taken in, and variables assigned and inserted into data arrays std::istringstream( line )>>x[i]>>y[i]>>dx[i]>>dy[i]; //check zero condition, before taking the log of the y value //this is done because log(0) is undefined. if( y[i]!=0 ){ //divide the numer of events by the constant time value, and then //take the log of that number, log10(Rate); y[i] = log10( y[i]/t ); } //increment the index i++; } //close file resources f.close(); f.clear(); /************** * Plot data **************/ //create canvas TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas(tubeName,"Log(Rate) vs V",400,400,600,600); //set options gStyle->SetOptStat(1); gStyle->SetOptFit(1); c1->ToggleEventStatus(); //create single graphs //using the arrays that I built from the data file TGraphErrors *g = new TGraphErrors(1000 , x , y , dx, dy ); g = new TGraphErrors(i , x , y , dx, dy); g->SetLineColor(2);//red g->SetMarkerColor(2);//red g->SetMarkerStyle(21);//square //draw title g->SetTitle( title ); //draw graph g->Draw("AP"); //plot labels g->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Log(Rate) [log(Hz)] "); g->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Voltage [V]"); }//end of main